Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion - 24th March 2024
Services this week commencing Sunday 24th March 2024
Palm Sunday
10.00am Mass (Bridget Walsh rip)
Monday of Holy Week
10.00am Holy Communion Service
Tuesday of Holy Week
10.00am Mass (Belinda MacDougall rip)
Wednesday of Holy Week
7.00pm Ecumenical Way of the Cross
Maundy Thursday
7.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by keeping watch at the Altar of Repose
9.00pm Night Prayer
Good Friday
10.00am Morning Prayer
3.00pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
7.00pm Veneration & Way of the Cross
Holy Saturday
10.00am Morning Prayer
11.00am Easter Food Blessing
8.00pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
10.00am Mass
In your charity, please remember in your prayers...
Father Forrest, Jean Blair, Mary Robertson, Lisa Tucker, Jan Stewart and Sadie Clelland and all the sick and the housebound. Also, Tommy Timms, May Wojtasinska, Catherine Snedden, Angus McDonald Senior, Charles Hickman, Paddy Young and Jay Young whose anniversaries occur about this time. Also, Angus McDonald and Susan Dunn who died recently.
Latest News…
The Offertory Collections last weekend amounted to £421.83 including donations of £25 - grateful thanks to all donors.
As we enter Holy Week, we hope that you will be able to join us for many of the services during this most important time in the Church’s calendar. We look forward to welcoming you to these celebrations! There are sheets in the hall for the various roles at the different Masses and liturgies, and we are actively seeking volunteers to help. So please add your name wherever you can assist.
The Chrism Mass takes place at St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh on Tuesday 26 March at 7:00pm. Archbishop Cushley will consecrate/bless the holy oils that will be given to parishes and clergy will renew their priestly promises to serve God and His people. No registration required.
Ecumenical Holy Week Services: You are warmly invited to join with the Christian community across Bo’ness at this year’s Ecumenical services which take place daily at 7pm:
Monday: Salvation Army
Tuesday: St Catharine’s Church
Spy Wednesday: St Mary’s Church (we will host the Ecumenical Way of the Cross)
Holy Thursday: St Andrew’s
Good Friday: Craigmailen
On the morning of Easter Sunday, Bo’ness Old Kirk will lead a service at 8am at the ruins of Kinneil Kirk in Kinneil Estate.
SVP News: Caravans. We have been allocated two dates for the caravan site at Port Seton – Saturday August 10th and Saturday August 17th – for parishioners who would not otherwise get a holiday. Contact SVP if you are interested.
There will be teas and coffees in the church hall after Mass on Easter Sunday. You are warmly invited to come along!
200 Club – the March draw will take place after Mass on Easter Sunday
The abortion lobby is pushing for abortion decriminalisation. This means unborn babies could be aborted until birth for any reason. Contact your MP and ask them to oppose any attempt to decriminalise abortion. Click the below button for details.
The Holy Father’s prayer intention for March is for the Martyrs of Our Day, witnesses to Christ. Watch the video on YouTube.
The Beginning Experience is holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from -7th April 2024 at St Mary’s, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact: Louise on 07926 571004 or email: Completed application forms need to be returned by 22 March 2024.